Walter Chuck, Secretary/Treasurer

Position #1
Serving Since November 2011
Term Expires 30 June 2027
Walter Chuck was born in San Francisco, CA, and moved to Newport in August 2002 with his wife and two children from Pasco, WA. He currently works as a Water Plant Operator for Hiland Water Services. An avid outdoorsman, he enjoys fishing and hunting. Walter was appointed to the Port of Newport Commission in November 2011, has been re-elected three times, and served 3 years as President and current Secretary/Treasurer. During his children’s’ years in the Newport School system he was an active volunteer in the classroom and athletic teams. Locally and statewide, Walter serves on advisory committees and boards representing sportfishing and hunting, and he received the Fellowship Award in 2014 from ODFW Marine Resources Program for those efforts. During his tenure on the Port Commission, he has been appointed to the Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) and is current vice-chair, served as the Port representative to the Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association (OCZMA) and served on their executive Committee for 5 years, and served on the Northwest Marine Renewable Energy Center Placement Team, to list a few. Walter was re-elected as Commission Secretary/Treasurer at the July 23, 2019 Commission Meeting.