Newport International Terminal

Berth Application 1
fish landings report 2017.pdfInternational Terminal Tariff.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&w=2000&h=2000&fit=max&or=0&s=f692b1193e9f4c8649070d74e1d74f25)
The Terminal pier and laydown space is designated as a multi-use facility. The goal of the Port is to accommodate a wide variety of users that will fulfill our mission of promoting and supporting projects and programs that will retain and create new jobs and increase community economic development. This includes supporting the commercial fishing fleet and cargo ship operations, as well as a variety of other users to include research and tourism activities. The Port will have the final decision on which vessels to accommodate based on meeting the Port’s goals and objectives, and will work to host as many vessels as practical and accommodate the needs of all users.
Water Access to the Terminal

The main shipping channel into the harbor is 40 feet deep (at MLLW) and 400 feet wide across the outer bar to station 0-10; thence, with dimensions reducing gradually, a channel 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide beginning at mile 0.0 to a turning basin 30 feet deep, 900 to 1200 feet wide and 1400 feet long at mile 2.0 at McLean Point.
The air draft (vertical clearance) under the HWY 101 Bridge is 129 feet at mean high water. The horizontal clearance at the bridge is 395 feet.
The Terminal is about 2-1/2 miles from the ocean entrance (bar) with transit time from pilot boarding to vessel tie up at less than 60 minutes. There is a turning basin located adjacent to the cargo berths, which is 900 by 1,200 feet wide.
The shipping terminal & dock system consists of 860 linear feet of dock space, a two-ton fixed rotating hoist, paved asphalt surface storage, gravel surface storage, garbage & recycling collection, landscaping, a storage & maintenance shop, and tenant leased buildings.
The west berth is 525 feet long with a mooring dolphin to the west of it. This berth has four high performance rubber fenders evenly spaced along its length. The majority of the dock along this berth has a load rating of 750 psf, except for the far-east end, which has a load rating of 400 psf. Shipping, research, and cruise ships are given priority in this berth.
The hoist berth is in the middle of and adjoins the west and east berth and is oriented basically north & south. This berth is 75 feet in length. There shall be public access to at least one swing hoist at the Terminal throughout the year.
The east berth is 260 feet in length and accommodates shallower draft vessels than the west berth. Depths here range from 15 to 20 feet along the face of the dock. Priority is given to fishing vessels in this berth.
Utilities at the berths include potable water and electricity. Electrical power available is single-phase 120 volts at 30 amps and three-phase 208 volts at 50 amps across the pier. The west berth only has a 1 ½” potable water fitting, whereas the east berth has smaller fittings used most frequently by fishing vessels.
There are 3 fixed ladders on the west berth and 3 on the east berth, all evenly spaced across the wharf. There are also a number of semi-portable ladders used to accommodate the smaller vessels.
Outdoor Staging Area (Restricted Area)
The Terminal facility is located on a 17-acre site. The staging area is a 3-acre space that runs parallel to both the fish meal plant access road and the cargo dock, and is directly adjacent to the road. For the purposes of supporting shipping or fishing operations, this area can be leased for short period in support of individual vessel calls.
- One of only three deep draft ports on the Oregon Coast
- Traditional exporter and importer of forest products
- Entrance bar is dredged to 40 feet
- Mean tidal range is about 6 feet
- Turning basin located adjacent to the cargo berths is 900 by 1,200 feet wide
- Air draft under the highway bridge is 135 feet at low water
- Cargo docks are about 1.5 miles from the ocean entrance buoy with transit time from pilot boarding to vessel tie up at less than 60 minutes
- 9 acres of vacant industrial land with all utilities available for development.
International Terminal Office Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F